Hello there! My name is Leopoldina Rendon Pineda, shaman of Olmec linage. A Shaman uses the ancient knowledge and power to achieve and maintain the health and the balance of themselves and their communities; also, the shaman helps on the planet unbalances.
For the last 30 years, I have explored, learned and shared an integrative healing approach, this is my life-purpose, to put these awakening tools on the service of others living creatures and the planet.
After trying out several kinds of therapies, including psychoanalysis, I found Resonance Repatterning (RR), a method through which, one can identify and transform patterns that are no longer working or giving a benefit.
I am a certified teacher and practitioner of the 9 levels of the International Institute of resonance repatterning. I am also a teacher and practitioner of the Jin Shin Tara method, which is great for releasing trauma and shock memories from the body, leading to significant transformation towards a higher level of well-being.
At some point in my self-healing journey, I had a dream guiding me into awakening the Olmec spiritual path, which is the axis of the Integrative Healing approach that I offer. And because of this path I know for sure that my life purpose is to serve the Earth and its inhabitants with this ancient knowledge and the Integrative Healing I offer.
I have a middle Asian shaman teacher, Vamarie Nanej, who has been my mentor since 1997. It was only after I had incarnated the transformation of my healing journey that I created the Integrative Healing Approach to support individuals, communities and the balance of OUR planet.
I have a bachelor’s degree in sociology by the UNAM -Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, which from I graduated with a thesis "Shamanism, a healing practice (FCPyS, UNAM, 2020)".
I began my career in Resonance Repatterning in 1997, and began teaching Basic Seminars in 2001. In 2020 I began teaching all Advanced Seminars.
For more than 26 years with Resonance Repatterning in my life, I am convinced that teaching is one of my reasons since I see the transformation through RR at every moment.
I am very committed to teaching the RR method. I focus on accompanying students in their process of experiencing and learning Resonance Repatterning so that they can empower themselves and they can also help their clients become empowered.