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  • 3 Jun 2022 9:27 PM | Anonymous


    The RRI Newsletter is bilingual in English and Spanish. Scroll down for the Spanish version. El boletín del Instituto de RR es una edición virtual bilingüe – que aparece tanto en inglés como en español [desplaza el cursor hacia abajo para llegar a la versión en español].

    Dear Resonance Repatterning community,

    Are you running a Resonance Repatterning Support or Exchange Group, if yes we would love to know about it!

    We would like to showcase this on the Resonance Repatterning

    website so that other members can come on board and join your exchange community.

    In the spirit of community, let's all work together

    to support & energize one another!

    Please send us the below details in order for us to post about your group which will allow others to get involved:

    • What is the mission of your community or study group?
    • When does it meet – ie. 1st Monday of the month at 5pm EDT
    • Name of the person who will lead the group/organizer of the group?
    • How do they join? i.e. email address and contact details

    For further enquires please contact:


    Únete a la Comunidad de 

    Apreciada Comunidad de Resonance Repatterning,   

    ¿Tienes un grupo de apoyo o intercambio de Resonance Repatterning? si tu respuesta es sí, nos encantaría saberlo.

    Nos gustaría  mostrarlo en el sitio web de Resonance Repatterning para que otros miembros puedan unirse a tu comunidad de apoyo .

    En el espíritu de la comunidad,

    ¡trabajemos juntos para apoyarnos y energizarnos mutuamente!

    Por favor, envíanos los siguientes detalles para que podamos publicar información a cerca de tu grupo, y que otros puedan participar:

    • ¿Cuál es la misión de tu comunidad o grupo de estudio?
    • ¿Cuándo se reúnen? -por ejemplo, el primer lunes del mes a las 5pm EDT
    • ¿Cuál es el nombre de la persona que dirige el grupo/organizador del grupo?
    • ¿Cómo se puede participar? Por ejemplo, dirección de correo electrónico y datos de contacto

    Para más información, contáctanos a:


  • 24 May 2022 9:21 PM | Anonymous
    SPANISH | Haga clic para leer el boletín de Rrii de marzo completo

    El mes de mayo de la actualización y el crecimiento... entra en el desafío de la energía de la Actualización con felicidad y alegría.

    Recuerde que Resonance Repatterning® está en vivo o en línea a través del teléfono, la tableta o el ordenador portátil, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, para ayudarle a través de sus actualizaciones.

    Querido amigo,

    Es un placer estar aquí con ustedes de nuevo a través del boletín del instituto Resonance Repatterning® International para mayo.

    El mes de mayo es una temporada de actualización.  Mucha luz y energía fuerte que se vierte a través de la actualización de nuestro cuerpo, mente y sistemas de energía. ¿Cómo estás manejando eso y cómo se muestra en tu vida? Tal vez te comprometas de manera diferente, entres en relaciones con otros con una energía diferente, o tal vez tu voz cambie de alguna manera.  Es importante que te des cuenta de los cambios que se están produciendo durante este precioso tiempo.  Tal vez te sientas desafiado - dondequiera que estés, acude a nosotros para que te ayudemos con estos cambios.
    Dondequiera que te encuentres en tu papel en este planeta, este tiempo nos está enseñando la capacidad de manejar nuestras propias energías y las de los demás, independientemente de lo que esté sucediendo a nuestro alrededor. El tiempo de la maestría está sobre nosotros.

    Resonance Repatterning® tiene una forma asombrosa de hacer que esto suceda. Consulta los programas en directo y de autoaprendizaje en el sitio web para ver cómo puedes ayudarte a ti mismo.

    Estamos creciendo muy rápido, tenemos 10.000 personas en nuestra base de datos, hemos tenido 71.000 visitas en nuestro sitio web y estimamos que más de 3 millones de personas han sido tocadas de alguna manera a través de Resonance Repatterning®, eso es tan poderoso, ¿no?

    Con el apoyo de nuestra sede central, contamos con 20 personas que están haciendo un trabajo increíblemente asombroso en la reconstrucción de una estructura increíble.  Con casi la mitad del equipo de México y la otra mitad de muchos otros países de todo el mundo, somos realmente una empresa global.

    Únete a nuestros comités y ayúdanos a expandir Resonance Repatterning® y a llegar a personas de todo el mundo. Tu contribución es importante para nosotros.

    Hemos elaborado este boletín con cariño y esmero y esperamos que lo disfruten.


    Suzanne & the HQ Team


    • Cursos, ahora en vivo en línea a través del teléfono, la tableta o el ordenador portátil – A CUALQUIER HORA Y EN CUALQUIER LUGAR
    • En el mes de la actualización… ¿Reconoces tu propio valor
    • Enfoque en los meridianos / Meridiano extraordinario. El Yin Wei Mai (Vaso de Enlace del Yin)
    • Barter Bucks©
    • Conciencia del cuerpo / Bazo
    • Clase magistral gratuita  
    • Vacantes
    • Oportunidades de publicación
    • Descuento para personas mayores en la afiliación al Instituto Internacional Resonance Repatterning®
  • 22 May 2022 9:12 PM | Anonymous
    english | Click to read THE full newsletter

    The May month of upgrading and growth… step into the challenge of the Upgrade energy with happiness and joy. Remember Resonance Repatterning® is live or online via phone, tablet or laptop, anytime anywhere – to help you through your upgrades.

    Dear Friend,

    Lovely to be here with you again through the Resonance Repatterning® International institute newsletter for May.

    May is all about upgrade season.  So much strong light and energy pouring through and upgrading our body mind and energy systems. How are you managing that and how is that showing up in your life? Perhaps you might be engaging differently, entering relationships with others with a different energy, or perhaps your voice change in some way.  Just noticing the changes that are taking place during this precious time is important.  Maybe you are feeling challenged – wherever you are reach out we can assist through these changes.

    Wherever you are in your role on this planet, this time is teaching us the ability to handle our own and other’s energies regardless of what is happening around us. The time of mastery is upon us.

    Resonance Repatterning® has an amazing way of making this happen. Go ahead and check out the live and self-study programmes on the web site to see how you can help yourself. 

    We are growing very fast, we have 10,000 people on our database, we have had 71,000 hits on our website and over we estimate over 3 million people have been touched in some way through Resonance Repatterning® that’s so powerful isn’t it.

    Supported now through our HQ we have 20 people who are doing some incredibly amazing work at rebuilding an amazing structure.  With almost half the team from Mexico and the other half from many other countries around the world – we truly are now a global business.

    Come and join our committees and help us expand Resonance Repatterning® and touch people from all over the world. Your contribution is important to us.

    We have put this newsletter together with love and care and hope you enjoy it.


    Suzanne & the HQ Team

    • Courses, now live online via phone, tablet or laptop – ANYTIME ANYWHERE
    • In the Month of Upgrade... Do you recognize your own value
    • Meridian Focus ~ Extraordinary Meridian: The Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel)
    • Barter Bucks©
    • Body Consciousness ~ Spleen
    • Free Masterclass
    • Vacancies
    • How to reach us at Head Office
    • Website chat 24/7
    • Membership to the RRII
    • Publishing Opportunities
    • Senior Citizens discount on membership to the RRII
    • Private Member Facebook Groups
    • Scheduled Online Programmes
  • 28 Mar 2022 7:58 PM | Anonymous

    english | click to Read the full rrii newsletter

    spanish | Haga clic para leer el boletín de Rrii de marzo completo

    The month of New possibilities & expansion… now Resonance Repatterning® live or online via phone, tablet or laptop, anytime anywhere

    Dear Friend,

    Welcome to the Resonance Repatterning® International institute newsletter for April.

    James Kelleher, tells us, that “on April 13th, Jupiter enters Pisces and begins its one-year transit of that sign. With Jupiter ruling Pisces it will gain a lot of energy during this time. Jupiter is a planet of expansion, abundance, prosperity, knowledge and dharma, it is a good thing for Jupiter to be strong.  On a personal level, Jupiter in Pisces will bring an expansive and beneficial influence for each of us. Jupiter can sometimes bring improvement in healing or protection to the areas of life that it influences”.

    So, what session do you need to take advantage and align with this auspicious time?
    As we continue down the path of change in this year of 2022, the year seemingly moving so quickly, we highlight, In this newsletter, the tremendous focus in the world on mental health. As we slowly move out of the pandemic and international travel gradually opens up many are still feeling alone and isolated.

    If that feels like you, come and join one of the practice groups across the world with Resonance Repatterning® International Institute, you don’t have to be alone, or reach out and join the membership whether you are a practitioner or not and start talking to likeminded friends and community members in the new masterclasses and coaching calls that we have.

    If you’re a practitioner or a teacher, the predictions for the next 30 years are opening up doors for you across the world to expand and help millions. (read the article)

    We have really taken a lot of time and care to put together support and a newsletter, that will help you build your practice or your life and keep you informed. And we want to help you build your business, too, if that’s the direction you would like to go! Any ideas are always welcome please do send your inputs, articles or ideas to support@resonancerepatterning.com.

    We hope you enjoy the newsletter.

    Enjoy the shifting month of April!

    Suzanne & the HQ Team


    • Marketing for Small Business
    • New Product ~ Taking the Basic 5 Series Online in English
    • Consciousness ~ We love James Oschman: Consciousness: A User’s Guide
    • IICT Approval
    • Everybody is a Leader...  if we lead and influence others in the most positive way, even in the smallest way, we make a major difference to society
    • Meridian Focus ~ Extraordinary Meridian Yang Wei Mai
    • Mental Health & 30 Messages From the Future
    • Barter Bucks©
    • Body Consciousness ~ Thyroid
    • Membership to the RRII
    • New Practitioners or Teacher Opportunities
    • Private Member Facebook Groups
    • Scheduled Online Programmes
  • 28 Mar 2022 7:40 PM | Anonymous

    english | click to read the Full march Rrii newsletter

    spanish | Haga clic para leer el boletín de Rrii de marzo completo

    Hello everyone!

    We're back with our third newsletter of the year! It is hard to believe.
    We want to say a big thank you to the committee heads and their teams for spearheading the effort to get Resonance Repatterning 2.0 up and running, giving up their valuable time to help the Resonance Repatterning expand.

    What we would like to do today is to introduce you to these talented and multi-faceted committee heads all part of what has been lovingly termed HQ. So, without further ado, let us introduce you.

    • Meet Our Committee Member ~ Lovingly known as HQ

    • Pro Marketing Tips from HQ: How to Build a Busy Practice
    • Research Opportunity:  ACEP, the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology
    •  Stories of Transformation: How Resonance Repatterning® has changed lives
    • Meridian Focus: The Heart Meridian
    • Barter Bucks©

    We hope that you have found the content in our newsletter of great value. We would love to hear if there's anything you would like us to discuss in future newsletter or to share with the rest of the Resonance Repatterning® tribe.

    Have a wonderful month!


    Suzanne & the HQ Team

  • 27 Feb 2022 7:07 PM | Anonymous
    English | Click to read the Full RRII Newsletter

    Dear Friend,

    Welcome! We are already in March. Is that possible? The last month has been mixed with different energies. The rush of change and also the challenges with Ukraine. This is a very tragic set of events. Somehow, within this, if it is possible to have a bright side, the world has shown an outpouring of love and support for Ukraine. None of us know how this will end, but what we can do in this time, is take a moment to send an outpouring of love to this region.

    So as we move into March,

    Are you feeling the energy to move, shift and change? The Holidays are over. We have entered a bright, shiny New Year! Now it is time to focus on you!

    During this busy Holiday Season, did you perhaps have some time to assess how you are feeling about your own life?

    Perhaps you’re thinking about:

    • Discovering your true-life purpose.
    • Changing your relationship with money.
    • Having a steady flow of abundance in your life.
    • Making the relationships in your life more fulfilling and loving.
    • Healing a long-standing health issue.

    But you’re not sure how to get there? We were all born with the miraculous capacity and innate ability to heal our lives. “The direction of change to seek is not in our four dimensions: it is getting deeper into what you are, where you are.”  Thaddeas Golas in his book Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment.

    Learning how to harness this gift is a gift to yourself and to your loved ones (family, business, friends, and your life).
    That’s why we have made it even easier for you to learn Resonance Repatterning®. We welcome you to join a community where you can enjoy additional benefits. You will appreciate and practice this work at a much deeper level. Research shows having a community to belong to and share with extends our life.

    This is a bumper newsletter – we hope you enjoy it.


    • New Membership Structure
    • New Name
    • New Membership Model Incorporating License to Practice
    • Accreditation by AAMA – American Alternative Medical Association
    • Accreditation by ACEP – Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology
    • New Structure for Teaching
    • Updated Logo
    • New Teacher’s Programme 
    • New Institute Facebook Sites
    • Focus on cutting edge health insights

    We have really taken a lot of time and care to put together support that will help you build your practice. And we want to help you build your business, too, if that’s the direction you would like to go! Any ideas are always welcome.

    Have a wonderful month!


    Suzanne & the HQ team

About the Institute

We provide a community that speaks to the heart of each member, with an intention to propel you and your business on a personal journey as a person and practitioner.

Trustworthy   ~   Reliable   ~   Transformative


Address: Mexico City, 11590, MEXICO

This website content is used by the Resonance Repatterning®International Institute (RRII) under license granted by The Ravenall Institute PTY©

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