About the practitioner
Bethany is on hiatus to take care of her mother. Bethany Klug practiced holistic and functional medicine for over 20 years, after it resolved health challenges that conventional medicine could not address for her. Bethany started receiving Resonance Repatterning sessions in 2000 to help her align with changes she aspired to make in her life. Then with some frequency, Bethany would encounter in her practice people who on the surface wanted to improve their health but could never get there for one reason or another. It became clear to her that subconscious patterns were sabotaging them. She began referring these people for Resonance Repatterning. If they would do it , they would have great results. In 2020, Bethany began Resonance Repatterning training to help people transform their deeply conditioned habits and live their best lives. As a medical doctor, Bethany was known for taking time to listen and to tease out the root causes that when addressed lead to more vibrant health. She was known as an osteopath, and for her skill in natural medicine and bioidentical hormone replacement. She retired from practice in 2023 and no longer practices medicine or osteopathy. 20 years of listening to patients, a 30-plus year mindfulness practice and her skills as an osteopath have developed her intuition and ability to sense subtle energies. The RR system, she finds, focuses these abilities to the benefit of her clients. Bethany received Novice Practitioner certification by Resonance Repatterning Institute International in November 2022. As of 2023, she has completed the training required for full certification.